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Aphasia Definition : What Is Aphasia?

What is aphasia?

Aphasia is a language disorder. Some people with aphasia do not understand what other people say. Others understand everything, but they themselves say little or nothing. Whether they speak in unintelligible gibberish. They often have difficulty reading and writing, with gestures and symbols (such as traffic). Drawings and photos they will understand well.
There are also milder forms of aphasia. People forget especially many words and have trouble talking.
Some people with aphasia do not notice that something is wrong with them. For example, they talk incomprehensible, but hear yourself. It's very frustrating for them that other people do not understand them.

Aphasia is a result of brain damage. The damage is in the part of the brains where the language function is. Aphasia also occurs in Alzheimer's disease.

Aphasia is never fully heal. But especially in the first six weeks of the brain's speech with much progress. Patients also receive language exercises and learn to use tools that make communication easier.

 Some people with aphasia do not understand what other people say Aphasia Definition : What Is Aphasia?

Aphasia treatment

Speech therapy is the main treatment for aphasia. A speech therapist teaches aphasia patients to better deal with their language problems. Patients receive language exercises and learn to use tools. These include useful tools:
  • Call Books
In these books contain drawings and words. You speak in simple short sentences with aphasia patient and points to the pictures on what you mean.
  • Aphasia Software
There is a computer kegiatan that aphasia patients can train their memory and language. It contains more than 15,000 language exercises. For example, fill in missing letters in words, naming pictures, give synonyms or put sentences of a story in the correct order. This kegiatan is called Kompro 2000.
  • The Touch Peak
The Touch Peak is a pocket computer in which words and phrases are: in the form of a symbol, drawing or photograph and in spoken form.

Dealing with someone with aphasia

Have a conversation with someone with aphasia is very difficult. Some advice:
  1. Please try to move in the patient.
  2. Do not give him the feeling that he is only there for state or excluded. Let him participate in the calls you make with others. He may understand more than you think.
  3. Provide a quiet environment. Sounds from radio or TV are disturbing.
  4. Using pointing books, photographs, drawings and images as Auxiliaries in an interview.
  5. If you talk to him, make sure you have his attention. For example, by saying his name or him touching moment. Also note that he wears his spectacles, dentures or hearing aids.
  6. State clearly what you want to discuss. Also enter the time you want to change the subject.
  7. Talk in short sentences and key words. Write those keywords also. This helps the person with aphasia to understand the message and remember.
  8. Improve the patient does not. It is important that you understand it, then he goes right.
  9. Distract him when he gets angry or sad.
Aphasia patient care is emotionally heavy. Do not forget yourself. Talk to people when you're struggling. Looking like it needed help from a social worker or a psychologist. Or ask Wato extra help from friends or relatives in the household (care).

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